Encontré a este pequeñajo rebuscando entre mis calcetines viejos... sé que no debe ser agradable, pero según puedo entender por sus aspavientos y carcajadas para él debe ser como ir de compras a Zara en plena temporada de rebajas.
No he dudado en regalarle todos y cada uno de los calcetines llenos de agujeros, raídos o sin emparejar que he sido capaz de encontrar (aunque según dicen por ahí a los elfos no se les debe regalar ropa) a lo que su respuesta ha sido un contundente mordisco en el dedo del pie. No sé si será su forma de darme las gracias pero ha dolido...
Siempre he quedado fascinado con la agilidad de estos pequeños seres, tan pronto están ahí como desaparecen sin dejar rastro. Y a éste en particular he podido seguirle mientras saltaba con su pica desde la cómoda a la mesilla de noche de nuestro dormitorio para después desaparecer como por arte de magia atravesando la pared...¡parece un saltador profesional!.

Es la primera vez que me encuentro cara a cara con un elfo doméstico... y sinceramente pensé que serían más agraciados. Éste en particular aunque no muy guapo que digamos, parece majete. Espero poder volver a verle pronto.Quizás tú podrías tenerlo en casa también ¿no te parece?.
Muñeco OOAK totalmente hecho a mano (no se ha utilizado ningún tipo de molde).
Todas las telas y complementos han sido realizados, cosidos o tintados a mano.
Estructura interna de alambre de aluminio. Cabeza, manos y pies modelados con Fimo Puppen y pintados con óleos thermofijables (Génesis). Medidas aprox. 18cm de alto.
El pelo está realizado con pelo de oveja tibetana.
Brazos y piernas son posturables.

Siempre he quedado fascinado con la agilidad de estos pequeños seres, tan pronto están ahí como desaparecen sin dejar rastro. Y a éste en particular he podido seguirle mientras saltaba con su pica desde la cómoda a la mesilla de noche de nuestro dormitorio para después desaparecer como por arte de magia atravesando la pared...¡parece un saltador profesional!.

Es la primera vez que me encuentro cara a cara con un elfo doméstico... y sinceramente pensé que serían más agraciados. Éste en particular aunque no muy guapo que digamos, parece majete. Espero poder volver a verle pronto.Quizás tú podrías tenerlo en casa también ¿no te parece?.
Muñeco OOAK totalmente hecho a mano (no se ha utilizado ningún tipo de molde).
Todas las telas y complementos han sido realizados, cosidos o tintados a mano.
Estructura interna de alambre de aluminio. Cabeza, manos y pies modelados con Fimo Puppen y pintados con óleos thermofijables (Génesis). Medidas aprox. 18cm de alto.
El pelo está realizado con pelo de oveja tibetana.
Brazos y piernas son posturables.

I found this little guy rummaging through my old socks ... I know it doesn´t sound quite nice, but as I can understand by his fuss and laughs fir him it must be like shopping at Zara in full sales season.
I have not hesitated to give him every sock full of holes, frayed or unmatched I've been able to find (although as some say you should never give clothes to an elf) to what his response has been a strong bite on my toe. Maybe it's his way of thanking me but it hurts ...

I've always been fascinated with the agility of these small beings,t hey are here and soon they dissapeared without a trace. I was able to follow this particular one as he jumped with his pike from the chest of drawers to the side table of our bedroom and then disappeared as if by magic through the wall ... like a professional diver !.
It is the first time I find myself face to face with a house-elf ... and honestly I thought it would be more graceful. This particularly wasn´t very handsome to say, seems nice although. I hope to see him again soon. Maybe you could have it at home too don´t you think ?.

OOAK doll completely handmade ( have not used any type of mold ) .
All fabrics and supplements have been made, sewn or hand- dyed .
Internal structure made of aluminum wire. Head, hands and feet with Fimo Puppen modeled and painted with themosetting oils ( Genesis). Aprox 18cm tall.
The hair is made of Tibetan lamb hair .
Both arms and legs are posable.
All the creatures are sent along with an adoption certificate.
I have not hesitated to give him every sock full of holes, frayed or unmatched I've been able to find (although as some say you should never give clothes to an elf) to what his response has been a strong bite on my toe. Maybe it's his way of thanking me but it hurts ...

I've always been fascinated with the agility of these small beings,t hey are here and soon they dissapeared without a trace. I was able to follow this particular one as he jumped with his pike from the chest of drawers to the side table of our bedroom and then disappeared as if by magic through the wall ... like a professional diver !.
It is the first time I find myself face to face with a house-elf ... and honestly I thought it would be more graceful. This particularly wasn´t very handsome to say, seems nice although. I hope to see him again soon. Maybe you could have it at home too don´t you think ?.

OOAK doll completely handmade ( have not used any type of mold ) .
All fabrics and supplements have been made, sewn or hand- dyed .
Internal structure made of aluminum wire. Head, hands and feet with Fimo Puppen modeled and painted with themosetting oils ( Genesis). Aprox 18cm tall.
The hair is made of Tibetan lamb hair .
Both arms and legs are posable.
All the creatures are sent along with an adoption certificate.
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